Eva Kunzova

Kiki: Hope this heat ends soon.

There is absolutely no shade here!

Kiki: Really? Like that tiny little tree can help with anything.

Luna: Of course, it can! I read a lot about it.

Luna: Trees block the sun, but they also breathe. This evaporation can cool the space significantly.

People loved to spend time here, especially in summer when they could escape the heat and rush of city life.
And spend afternoons playing and picnicking in the crisp air of the forest.

Leaving only solitary trees here and there.

There is still enough ground left, why didn’t they plant some alternative trees here?
Kiki: Wow, what a pity, I would love to be in a forest now!
Everything is always so simple to you!
But there is much more to building a city than you think.
There is still enough ground left, why didn’t they plant some alternative trees here?

FX: Screech
Kiki: Well, maybe nobody knows about it.
Maybe nobody got the idea!
Maybe you should do it!

Kiki: We should do it!

Kiki: Luna?!

Luna: Come on, Kiki! Hurry up!

Kiki: But I just got an idea!

Kiki: Wait!

Luna: Couldn’t you tell me on the bus?
Kiki: I’m sorry. But you’re gonna love this. You always say that complaining doesn’t help, so…

Luna: no, I actually say …
Kiki: … we are going to solve this heat problem by bringing back trees and providing this cool tree shade to everyone on this bus stop.

Kiki: Because we are going to plant our own tree right here.
Luna: Kiki, that sounds nice. But I read a couple of articles about city designs…

…and I don’t think you can just walk around planting trees with no plan.
Kiki: But I actually have a plan.

Kiki: Come on, I know where to start…
Luna: but…

Garden Center

Luna: So, what’s your plan?

Kiki: Step 1 buy a tree,
step 2 plant a tree,
step 3 enjoy our new cool bus stop

Luna: …sigh…
Only you can call that a plan.
Do you at least know what kind of tree we should get?
Kiki: Stop worrying so much. It’s just a tree, you put it in the ground and it grows.
I’m sure any kind will do.

It will change our bus stop into one from folk tales.

Cap: Back on the bus stop
Kiki: I know it doesn’t look like much, yet,
but once it grows a bit…

Kiki: …people will really enjoy it.
Luna: I wish. But I see a couple of problems with this plan.
Cap: Few weeks later…

Kiki: Oh, no! What’s happened?!!
Kiki: Someone has poisoned our tree!!!

Luna: I don’t think so.
I’ve been reading about trees in cities…

Luna: Turns out, cities are quite a specific type of habitat.
It gets really hot in summer and freezes in winter..

Luna: And rainwater just washes over concrete…
…if there aren’t any other trees to hold it in the ground, it’s gonna mean drought for most of the plants.

Luna: Trees can thrive and grow here.
We just need to pick species that can tolerate these extreme conditions.

Something more Mediterranean-like.

Luna: I didn’t know it then!

Plus you didn’t even give me a chance to look it up.

Do you know which tree we should buy this time?
Luna: Of course! I have found a list of species planned for our city.

Luna: I have also found out that city…
Kiki: Great! You tell me on a way!
Luna:Where we going?

Cap: One trip to Garden Center later…

You know, when we work together, we can get stuff done.
Luna: You know, I was thinking…

Neighbor: Finally, someone taking the matter into their own hands.
Neighbor: I’ve been always saying, this street needs some plants.

Neighbor: Milo would love it!

Kiki: See, people already like it!
Luna: Well, that was nice to hear. But I still feel like you are getting me into trouble.

Policeman: Hey! You two!
Policeman: What do you think you are doing?

Kiki, Luna : ehm.. planting a tree?

Policeman: I see that. But this is a public space, do you have a permit?

Policeman: Well, in that case, I have to ask you to remove it.

Kiki: But we are planting it for the public! So, everyone can hide in its shade. Did you know that trees in cities can….
Policeman: Yeah, yeah… Iook, I get it. I, in fact, live nearby and would love to have some greenery here. But the city district can be quite sensitive on public space. They might remove it anyway.

Kiki: But… but how it is gonna change then?

Policeman: Well… I guess I can give you a week before I report it.
If you have a permit by then, it stays.

Luna: Me? I’m going with you, but isn’t this your plan?
Kiki: But you know so much about cities and governing. Please, you are so much better at speaking with officials.
Luna: Oh, come on. You can do this. Just be calm and reasonable and you’ll be fine.

Kiki: Thanks.

Bureaucrat: How far trees can be from roads, buildings, wiring.

Bureaucrat: And so on. As you can see, it can be quite complex and we would really appreciate if you would stop your random planting mission.

Luna: fine

Luna: But the city does not use the bus stop, people do!

Luna: And many of them are really excited about the idea.
Having a sort of natural shade on a bus stop would help during the heat. And having a little bit of nature on an otherwise concrete street would make it more enjoyable to live there. There is nothing the city can lose.

Bureaucrat: Well…

Burraeucrat: Fine.

Bureaucrat: One tree.

Cap: Weeks later…

Kiki: What?!!

Kiki, Luna: Hey! Hey!

Kiki and Luna: Hey!
Hey! Stop!

Guy: Oh, what’s going on?


Guy: What tree? oh…

Guy: How was I supposed to know it’s there, I’ve never seen any trees here.
It must have been so small that I didn’t notice.

Luna: Kiki!
Luna: Kiki, don’t!

Luna: Let him be. This won’t help.

Kiki: But we have done so much. I thought we did everything right this time. And it still got run over…

Kiki: Go ahead. Tell me what I’ve done wrong this time.
Luna: I.. don’t know.

Little boy: Dad? Why did they cut the tree?

Old Lady: Unbelievable! Everytime someone tries to bring a bit of life here some blockhead has to destroy it.

Neighbor: Who’s done this? We finally could have some shade here! Only if I would have known.

Luna: yeah..
Kiki: Because I think I know what we forgot.
We found the right species.
We got the permit but…

Kiki: …we forgot to include them!

Kiki: Where you going?
Luna: To plant a tree!

Cap: After another trip to the Garden center and a couple of years of care and involvement of people from the local community, a once single tree grew into a whole green infrastructure bringing much more benefits to the city than just simple shade on the bus stop.

Cap: Only a few animal species can comfortably live in the cities, most of the local wildlife usually avoid them.
Cap: But well-connected green infrastructure can provide shelter and food even for more sensitive species and increase local biodiversity.

Cap: Might be hard to escape constant city noise, however, dense tree and shrub growth can serve as effective noise barriers to not only deflect but also absorb the sounds of streets.

Neighbor: I’ve been saying this the whole time. The whole street should have been green street

Kiki: Luckily, I had someone who knew how to actually do it.

what is ‘nbs’ about this comic?
Planting trees along streets, or creating “green streets,” is a game-changer for neighborhoods. Trees provide much-needed shade, making sidewalks and homes cooler, especially in the summer. They also add natural beauty, transforming boring streets into lovely, green avenues. Besides looking great, these trees help clean the air, reduce noise, and even boost local property values. It’s a simple way to make urban areas more comfortable, attractive, and eco-friendly!