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The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Climate Change (Les trois petits cochons et …)

what is ‘nbs’ about this comic?

In addressing climate change, we often talk about “mitigation” and “adaptation”. The former is taking actions to reduce the amount of global change we’ll experience in the future (temperatures, sea level rise). The latter is about adapting to life as climate change consequences are already here: heat waves, storms, heavy rains, droughts. In this comic, NbS are helping the Three Little Pigs in adapting their islands to the consequences of climate change: big trees are cooling the air against urban heat, stream meanders and wetlands are preventing flooding, a more diverse vegetation is keeping the water in the soil and the mangrove provides the land with a buffer from high ocean storm waves. In order to work with NbS, our heroes will have to change their ways of doing, not relying so much anymore on civil engineering and over-control on nature. But will this be enough? On the Piglet Archipelago, there might be one climate change consequence in particular without any solution… Highlighting all the importance of maintaining both local adaptation actions and a global mitigation policy.

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